Antahkarana, the wormhole, black~hole, or channel betwixt
the 4 elements and the Tria Prima Metals of Salt, Mercury and Sulfur.
Atma, Buddhi, and higher Manas.
Atma, Buddhi and higher Manas,
the expanding Bread of consciousness;
Wisdom distilled from life's experience,
fills the Grail with Quintessence.
Four elemental languages learned,
so three higher Metals can transcend;
human into Divine by integration,
Mind, Spirit and Soul of salvation.
A New Skin is first to be discerned,
the higher Mind-Boundary unlearned;
thought contents by fire baptized,
into a pure Observer crystallized.
Water into Wisdom takes a lifetime,
emotional intelligence into Wine;
suffering and sublimation evaporates,
distils-out Blood into higher Manas.
"Who does the Grail serve" above?
Holy Libation for a sleeping god.
Atman, Soul vivified by the Spirit,
ever expanding into risen Bread.
Quantum conception of I AMness,
promethean fire returned to Zeus;
a WavIcle of Metals ashine,
waking a Giant in the Mind.

Sixteenth Century alchemical painting.
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