Monday, January 4, 2021

The Crucible in Vulcan's Forge.

The Crucible in Vulcan's Forge.
The alchemical process of apotheosis
in the Grail of the higher Mind.
Fire upon earth compounds Ash of Salt,
forging the Grail of a magic Crucible;
chthonic creature into quantum Dust:
Dark EnergyMannaFlourHoly Ghost.
Earth and fire into metallic Salt/Grail/New Skin.

Fallen love and fire enter into No-Mind,
water diStills into mercurial Wine;
emotion devoured into dragon's Myst,
the "Moon turns to Blood" of Spiritus.
Water and fire into Red Mercury/Wine/Blood.

Airy fire bakes Flour into our Sulfur,
Light and Love reconciled forever;
I offer-up the Libation of Blood,
which fleshes-out into eternal Bread!
Air and fire into fixed Sulfur/Bread/Flesh.

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