Cultivating Homunculus in a retort (From Goethe’s Faust, 19th-century engraving).
"Let the semen of a man putrefy by itself in a sealed cucurbite.
Mercury is the Spirit, Sulphur is the Soul, Salt the Body". (Paracelsus)
Mercury is the Spirit, Sulphur is the Soul, Salt the Body". (Paracelsus)
I, Homunculus.
Incredible shrunken man, denuded himself unlearned,
stripped his egoic persona bare, to find his inner Child;
took three gifts, for the metallic Homunculus inside:
"Helmet of salvation", mercurial Wine, golden Bread.
Now the atomic Child, hidden in the secret fire,
burns with aliveness, imagination, creativity inspired;
he accepts the human sacrifice of three offerings:
a non-judgmental New Skin, holy Blood and Flesh.
The Light in Dark Matter begins to shine,
reborn and baptized in the libation filled Mind;
a golden Crown crowns forth from the Void of All,
the primordial Matrix rebirths a cosmic Child.
Devoured by my own alchemical ex-experiment,
in life's universal Manger of the starry night;
my infinitesimal seed of Father, suddenly Blooms,
from the Cradle of the virgin Mother's Womb.
A winged Child awakens from his mythic sleep;
from oceanic unconsciousness the Red Sea parts!
A refined Pearl of wisdom emerges from the abyss,
the fire forged and ever drunken I, Homunculus.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine of
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
My alchemical Homunculus, comprising:
~ a thoughtless Bubble memBrane or New Skin;
~ libation of mercurial Wine, overflowing;
~ golden Flesh/Bread inside the Crucible/Grail.
(part II)
Atomic Child.
"Unless you become like little children,
you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." Jesus.
I feel de-mented unlearned!
Fire baptizes my lower human.
Raven tends to the flames,
oh how this secret fire burns.
Salamander is not consumed,
creature of fire remains immune.
Inside the Crown of Salvation,
Blood and Flesh in a New Skin.
My mind is suffocated empty,
into metallic Salt of lucidity;
a fire~inflated thoughtless Bubble,
Grail and hermetic Crucible.
Homunculus, infinitesimal giant,
paradox of the small and great,
across the bridge of ego burned,
my id becomes the Ideal Child.
Splendour Solis (16th century).
"A man emerges from a swamp. One arm is white, the other red,
and his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes
in the alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a
glassy sphere." (Adam McLean, the alchemy website.)
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