magical Light of psychedelic dreaming.
Alchemical Recipe for Eternal Bread.
How the Eye Gathers-in the Light of Heaven.
I feel sad at the loss of my ego,
which served me well up until Now;
all I have left is Ashes and Dust,
inside my Grail I breathe the Myst.
Pan in alchemical diStillation,
Green Man in need of resurrection;
autumn leaves of the human host
release my Spirit up into a Ghost!
Human, "of the soil" to Alien,
cosmic Spores into earth fallen;
humus heats each secret Name,
under the Burning Bush all aflame!
How to grow our seminal Logoi,
in the Moon's Dish of baptismal joy?
"Luna gives birth to the Red King",
mercurial Dragon quantum dreaming.
Fire to Ashes and atomic Dust,
my Seed sees from a New Husk;
Lucid Myst condenses into Wine,
Spirit leavens our Bread divine.
Black, White and Red of Spiritus,
Flour into a Soul illuminates;
growing a god by apotheosis,
elements reborn by Metalmorphosis.
Fire devours fire into our Myst,
the Spirit of my Holy Ghost;
ectoplasmical Blood coagulates
quantum Solidity of eternal Flesh.
Now is the explosion of SpAce,
the Big-Bang of Consciousness!
Seeds see only by GOD's Presence,
my Observer binds OmniScience.
Dark Energy turns-out to Be
purest immaterial Subjectivity;
Universal Dreamer of our GOD:
Uncreated Creator we call Monad.
All seeing sees from a backGrOunD,
we cannot not see even if we would.
Close the eyes to behold the Eye,
asleep yet dreaming in the Brow.
Grail is the Mind in GOD's MIND,
seeing from the oceanic GrOunD;
porous to Heaven, breathing Myst,
hermetically sealed to elements.
In my winged Helmet up on high,
I breathe the Air in my empty Eye;
seeing deepens into seeing clear,
through the Portal of Death's Door.
All four languages we must learn,
then identification can be broken!
The narrative shifts up to the Metals,
the Dreamer conjures a Life eternal.
Detached from elemental ideation,
seeing from higher Solarization;
the seminal Seed finally blooms:
Flower of Mind from Mater's Womb.
Haste therefore to bake the Bread,
there's a recipe inside the Head;
etched in a silvery Mirror clear:
"the one looking is WHO you are!"
Objects are subject to the Magistery,
we are envoys to the Sun of destiny;
to be ultimately Subjectified,
empty Grails full of Liquid~Gold.
Clear water baptized in my Mind,
the language of fire diStills Wine;
leavened Flour rises in the Crucible,
the Seed gathers Light into a Soul.
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