Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy to Burn.

Happy to Burn.
My Self portrait: meditation and self immolation in 
the baptismal and holy fire of kundalini rising;
apotheosis into the Solarization of consciousness.
Happy to Burn.
Happy to burn,
under the blinding Sun;
crystallizing Salt
for a Grail of Salvation.
Happy to burn,
in the Still of Mind;
holy Libation
for my god divine.
Happy to burn
in the oven for Bread;
leavened, ever expanding,
inside my new Head.
Image result for salt mercury sulphur
Alchemical Tria Prima: the three metallic compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the SpiritSulfur is the SoulSalt the Body." (Paracelsus).

(part 2)

Quantum WavIcle of Salt, Wine and Bread.

(below: my quantum "tongue of fire" and WavIcle of the spoken "Word".
The holographic Observer (No Mind or Mushin) passes through 
the double-slit gates and collapses the Wave function of
the Red Sea into a Point or Quark of subjective Radiance).

  No Mind
        of Mushin hermetically tight;
        Observer, Eye of serpent,
        through double-slit gates.
               Moon's Blood
         of the Red Sea tide;
     watery libido into Wine,
           Apple of Eve's Eye.
                                                                                          Leavened Bread
                                                                                         of quantum Light;
                                                                                        Adam returns, reborn as
                                                                                        the Sun-Eyed Christ.

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