Monday, January 4, 2021

My god in frozen ground.

Splendour of the Sun, 1532.
The alchemical stages of Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo: 
three dragons of transformation in the Crowned Mind.
 My god asleep in frozen ground.
Again I relax into baptismal death,
through the Underworld full swift;
to start again where I left off,
Dragon~fire into Albedo's Puff!
I feel demented back to my Id,
inside my higher Helmet sealed;
fight and flight by fire cleansed,
I freeze inside my innocent Child.
Dragon runs-out of fiery breath,
elements consumed into GOD's Myst;
enWhitenment and enLovenment,
with one Logos of enLightenment.
Dew of Heaven must be diStilled,
inside my Grail of frozen ground;
the Eye of GOD I must collapse,
bind a Ray in my own Eye fixed.
How to thaw this inner ground,
with only Salt of Awareness honed? 
Frozen in a catatonic situation,
how to conjure a quantum Libation?
How does a child first read words?
Focuses attention on basic letters;
until suddenly it all makes sense,
and we can see invisible thoughts!
"As below so above" with my Child,
learning to Be in a quantum World;
with only Id Awareness to begin,
Salt to melt the Heart of Heaven.
Just like we see thought imagery,
we learn to see fiery mythology;
which enters Pearly Gates as Myst,
so Mind can conjure Blood and Flesh.
Concentration in AbSolute Stillness,
GOD is also a Wave we can condense;
Heaven heaves Rubedo's Dragon,
the Sun dawns from frozen ground!

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; 
knock, and it will be opened to you."  Matthew 7:7

Idealized Subjectification.

The Quantum BODY of GOD.
What is unconscious gets projected;
what is projected gets objectified.
And so we must undergo a process,
by means of zoomorphic apotheosis.
Thinking is practice for wizardry;
desire leaks~out into what we see.
We must withdraw objectification,
and sublimate it into Subjectivism.
We are cells in the BODY of GOD,
my Id swims in an Ocean of Blood;
the Red Sea parts to reveal the One,
Logos, Eye of GOD drunk on Wine.
Myst into heavenly Dew of Spirit
shines with unbounded Light of Christ;
GOD is the Canvas of the HOLY GHOST,
whose Wave Function I must collapse.
I breathe pearly Air in GOD's Mind,
through quantum Gates mySelf to find;
condense Fluidity for my Portrait,
paint the Sky, bind a Ray's Point.
Plasma-filled Grail of Consciousness,
Blood is the Mother for Holy Flesh;
a psychedelic Soul dawns in Lucidity,
Salt refracts into pure Subjectivity.
My Eye in the Myst of GOD unfrozen,
sheer clarity of intoxicated vision;
riding the Dragon's Wave into eternity,
with my Pearl of quantum Solidity.
 Nightmares need baptismal cleansing,
dreams are tainted with elements;
our personal mythologies unfolding,
 into eternal Life forever Dreaming.
I feel relaxed into emptiness of death,
White-Light of GOD's seeming wrath;
no more fight, flight or even freeze,
my husk baptized back to my Seed.
A complex yet easy transformation,
via four languages of communication;
compound three Metals of Salvation,
give-up thy Ghost unto Solarization.  

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22

RainBrow DreamingCanvas of GOD with Eye Portrait.

Canvas, Spirit and archetypal Logos or Over-Soul. The Observer's Eye,
with the tongue of fire and Tear or Dew of Heaven, binds a Ray of
Christic Light into an individual Soul with Brow of quantum Dreaming.

RainBrow Dreaming.
How the Magical Eye Conjures Eternal Imagery?
Through the Underworld up to the Gates,
which are always open to Holy Ghosts,
id and ego unconsciousness baptized,
in Cloaks of death we pass by the Sword.
Tongue of fire forges the Eye of the Eye,
a Boundary to bind a Sun in the Sky;
Grail diStills a Tear of Heaven's Dew,
Mystical Spirit for the Rainbow Brow.
The journey ends where Heaven begins,
our Brows conjure quantum Dreaming;
just like thinking but at a higher level,
after elements Dreamers dream Metals.
Black Madonna red~shifts transcendent,
fallen Sophia, water into Wine uplifted;
PenDragon's Wave with a Nib like Point,
the Imago DeiDreaming eternal Light!

The Serpent Sun.
A Seed Mandorla of the Logos Bloomed.
Eye of Horus, with tongue of fireTear of Blood,
Sol like Soul and Brow of Conscious Dreaming.
Egyptian Ka (Image), Ba (Spirit) and Akh (Soul).

The Drunken Eye and 
Brow of Conscious Dreaming.
I feel voided into the Black Whole,
mysterious Night where Isis unveils;
the ground of baptismal resurrection,
Black Madonna red~shifts into Wine.
Refined Salt of the earth for a god,
water into Spirit, words into Word;
emotion to Motion and logic to Logos,
fire devours me into Dust and Ashes.
I, the Observer, inside my Holy Ghost,
breathe the Air of heavenly Myst;
"All is MIND", Hermes Trismegistus,
GOD's GHOST with Sophia and Christ.
Dew of Plasma and Flesh of the LORD,
the BODY of GOD on the other~side;
White~Noise silence full of all waves,
to be conjured by the Brow of Horus.
There's Motion inherent in our Minds,
an Act of GOD pouring~out Wine;
Heaven heaves a Tear of Blood,
the Mother for raising golden Bread.
Flour and Leaven inside the Grail,
Air proves the Dough in the Crucible;
the magical Eye, single yet three,
"ye are gods", Tria Prima Subjectivity.
Lucidity, Fluidity, quantum Solidity,
primary colours of a god's anatomy;
we are Eyes in GOD's Eye partaking;
eternal Brows of Conscious Dreaming.
The Ouroboros self~digests undone,
devoured back to a quantum Skeleton,
in the Helmet of Salvation sealed,
Seed Mandorla of a Logos bloomed!

Carl Jung started out wanting to 
be an archaeologist, 
but ended up excavating the depths of the human psyche, 
uncovering the Bones of a god.

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