Logos, and its Story of Apotheosis.
By means of intuitive intercourse,
we dialogue with Love and lord Logos.
Each god has its own mythical process,
except for the GOD above archetypes.
Colorful stories abide in this Canvas:
White-Light, GrOunD, Holy Spiritus,
Dust, Myst, Sap, Manna of Flour,
the Seed of my Id and Living Water.
So how do I conjure this fiery Page,
into a Portrait of my own Self Image?
My original Id is dyed in the instincts,
awareness stained with Pan's imprint.
Fight, flight, freeze, eat, procreate,
biology evolves into a human state;
"of the soil" yet with more potential,
emotion, thinking and fire of symbols.
Ego has reflexes but is also reflective,
the beginning of becoming Subjective.
How to conjure quantum Ectoplasm,
the Ghost of GOD hidden in Heaven?
We already magic-up libidinal ideas,
create self-images betwixt our ears;
acting-out roles with artful pretense;
who is the Actor of our real Presence?
The id wears an egoic persona or mask,
to cover the beast of instincts dark;
chthonic creature must have its tongue,
but with reflection taming the dragon.
Stolen fire is the gift of revelation,
oh how it burns, this beast of Heaven;
devours earth, water, air, and its tail,
to reveal the Mystery of the Soul!
The Burning Bush protects the Sap,
and so we must integrate its wrath;
to gain access to the magical Myst,
hidden inside as the dragon's Breath!
Mythic Godzilla is GOD's atomical pet,
guarding the Double~Slit Pearly Gates.
Whoever can understand apotheosis,
conjures Ashes and Dust of Spiritus.
Heaven's atmospheric quantum Myst,
condenses Living Water and a Fish!
Inside the Grail it swims in Wine,
as the Flour rises into Bread divine.
The invisible Clarity of GOD's burning,
grows every Seed into its own Being:
Id to id, libido, ideas, mortido, Ashes,
Id of New Skin with Blood and Flesh!
The goddess of Love unfolds her story,
beginning, middle and end of the play;
honeymoon, marriage, then a divorce,
gods in our Minds becoming conscious.
Alike is the myth of the Sun like Christ,
developing its own archetypal process;
burning-up its tale inside New Heads,
zoomorphic theosis into eternal gods!
We too become mythologic Dreamers,
painting on Paper of Holy Canvas;
photosynthesizing starry Dark Night,
gathering our portion of Logoic Light.
by Love's Child with Mirror of a Holy Monstrance.
Manna of Salt, Wine
and Bread, Digested!
Conjuring-up the Invisible Mind of GOD.
Inside my Grail there's magic Dust,
quantum Manna of Flour and Myst;
Dark Energy of my Holy Ghost,
I'm mystified as the Still vibrates!
This motive force of inSpiration,
is conjured-up by concentration;
dream~Stuff or fairy~Dust for my Id,
Myst into Wine and Flour for Bread!
Already I feel the Moon turning Red,
our Silver fixes the Image of a god;
dragon's Myst becomes a Libation,
emotion into Wine by sublimation!
Holy Spiration of Spirit into a Soul,
a sulfurous Sun inside the Crucible;
the serpent's breath of mystification,
EctoPlasmic Flesh of Solarization!
Gods are forged in the Burning Bush:
- Helmet for the Pendragon of theosis;
- Grail for the Dew of Quintessence;
- a golden Apple by photosynthesis.
Silver nitrate fixes the Imago Dei,
leavened by Mercury in Mind's Eye;
"Moon turns to Blood" of Spiritus,
extracts Gold to the Skin's surFace!

Sublimation, from The Crowning of Nature, 1718.
My interpretation: the Sun of Light emerges from
the fire of ouroboric apotheosis, the serpent-fire
of kundalini, sublimated into the Solarization
of consciousness in the vacuum of a sealed Mind.
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