Alchemical Distillery and Furnace.
The Alchemist and his mystic Sister diStilling the Elixir of eternal Life, 1519.
(43) This white substance, if you will make it red, you must continually decoct it in a dry fire till it be rubified, or become red as blood, which is nothing but water, fire, and true tincture. And so by a continual dry fire, the whiteness is changed, removed, perfected, made citrine. And consequently by how much more it is heightened in color, and made a true tincture of perfect redness. Wherefore with a dry fire, and a dry calcination, without any moisture, you must decoct this compositum, till it be invested with a most perfect red color, and then it will be the true and perfect elixir. By Artephius, His Secret book, 12 century.
(Pendragon: Pen, Welsh - Head. Sal: Latin - Salt)
Dance of Fire in the Still of Mind.
Zoomorphic apotheosis of the Phoenix.
I feel all aflow in wavy fire,
through the wormhole of its desire;
black~hole, Jacob's Ladder, antahkarana,
rainbow bridge into higher Manna.
My Lamp of Heaven guides the way,
in Hades' underworld all aflame;
animal spirit of my id, now dragon,
Salamander and Helmet of Salvation.
Motion in Stillness of meditation,
bellows breath stokes the calcination;
my Grail maintains the vacuum sealed,
porous to Heaven but dead to the world.
Fiery diStillation in my New Skin,
sublimation of lower water into Wine;
I feel drunk on the Moon's Tide,
Wavy Spirit of my dragon's Blood!
Flaming id into mercurial Fluidity,
zoomorphic theosis of leonine Solidity;
the Serpent~Sun of leavened Bread,
in the Lucidity of Pendragon's Head.
Down the long corridor of history,
song birds calling their sweet poetry;
fiery Phoenix dances into Heaven,
self immolation and Self resurrection.

Seed of the Father, Sophia's Serpent Vine, and Fruit of the Sun.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
"When Sophia (wisdom) saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
(part 2)
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins).
"I have come to bring fire on the earth." (Jesus, Luke 12:49)
Pendragon of Zoomorphic Apotheosis.
Self counselling by way of regression,
peeling-off layers of my conditioning;
back into original primal prementia,
to become "like a Child" Heaven to enter.
Knowledge of good and evil unlearned,
baptized and cleansed by fire learned;
the two-edged tool for forging Metals,
destroying the ego, creating the Soul.
Reverse-chronological self immolation,
the language of fire is a hungry tongue;
feeds on the air of my understanding,
evaporates water of emotional feeling.
Burning back to the ground of my being,
instincts of biological programming;
where the seed of the id was planted,
my Gnostic scintilla and spark of spirit.
Chthonic dragon at the gates of dawn,
spiritual beast of the bicameral mind;
id and my Ideal archetypal Executive,
asleep in Heaven to be Subjectified.
Alchemical color-change process divine,
psychedelic psychosis burns my human;
id to libido into ideas acting-out an ego,
mortido reverses to forge my Imago.
Salamander in fire is not consumed,
crystallizes Salt from Ashes of doom;
Pendragon flares-up in diStillation,
feeds on air, changes water to Wine!
Head of the creature is my Grail,
to serve a Libation up to my Soul;
leavens the Bread of golden Flesh,
Isis unveils into the Spirit uplifted.

Alchemical and Rosicrucian compendium – 1760.
The dragon distilling-out its sublimated Spirit.
"The death of earth is to become water,
and the death of water is to become air,
and the death of air is to become fire,
and the death of water is to become air,
and the death of air is to become fire,
and reversely.
He who hears not me but the Logos
He who hears not me but the Logos
will say: All is One." Heraclitus, 500 BCE.
(part 3)
And Jesus answered and said unto Mary:
"The outer darkness is a great dragon, whose tail is in its mouth."
Pistis Sophia, chapter 126.
Enter PenDragon!
I feel ghosted by holy fire,
atomized into Mushin of No-Mind;
can barely think at all anymore,
must make the shift to my Observer.
Catatonic and psychedelic psychosis,
I need a higher energy source?
No longer driven by instinctual fear,
water evaporated into immolated air.
"Energy cannot die", only change to Wine,
Pendragon's Blood in Grail of Mind;
via mortido a metallic memBrane,
which I must Energize by diStillation?
Fire returns sublimated to Heaven,
into refined Salt of a New Skin;
Mater red shifts in abhorrence,
fills my Head with Quintessence!
The "Moon turns to Blood" at last,
Energizing and leavening Flesh!
Isis unveils her pregnant darkness:
PenDragon's Pearl by apotheosis.
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous Red Dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads." (Rev 12)
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