"The old legend is that when an Alchemist discovered the true nature of the Universe/Cosmos [usually trying to transform leaden thoughts into a golden new mind], he would achieve a certain flash/explosion of understanding and go screaming into the wilderness only to disappear from this plane of existence."
The Divine Wind.
Implosion in the Alchemical Laboratory!
Stoke the fire and be happy to burn,
through the wormhole into Metals turned;
forged Mind, distilled Wine, baked Bread,
my elements crucified in a divine wind.
Holy spiration of kundalini aflame,
nirvanic extinguishment inside my brain;
my dragon roars with extra ferocity,
I'm in the furnAce, belly of the beast!
The Alchemist's pet devours its master,
in godzilla's atomic breath blasted!
I put on the Helmet hermetically sealed,
forged from the Ashes into a Crucible.
Dragon's depolarized Blood begins to fill,
watery libido into Wine in the Still;
at last my unconscious ocean parts,
red~shifts as Luna uplifts her Heart.
Volatile Spirit of Mercury intoxicates,
leavens an implosion into inner spAce!
My third Eye opens its cyclopic vision,
sees by virtue of the Sun's radiation.
Wavy Apex of a Quark collapsed,
quantum Solidity of subjective Light;
"Lapis elevatus cum vento" in Mind,
Stone uplifted by the wind divine.
My depiction of the alchemical Ouroboros and colour-change process.
Raven, Dove, Peacock and Phoenix, rising into the Stone.
(part II)
Earth into Gold.
Id to Ideal Subjectified.
I stoke the fire, unchaining the dragon,
by way of celibacy and sublimation;
the language of the gods well learned,
returned to Heaven on fiery wings.
Magical tongue with miraculous power:
- forging airy thoughts into an Observer;
- distilling water into Spirit of Wine;
- baking risen Bread of a Soul divine.
Thoughtless Bubble hermetically sealed,
higher Mind of a metallic Crucible;
allows the ouroboros to circulate fire,
and distil a Libation of Blood on high.
De-objectified Love in Bridal Chamber,
quantum Wave red~shifts the Observer;
"Moon turns to Blood" before the Dawn,
crowns Subjective consciousness reborn.
"As above so below", Salty Blood leavens the Flesh.
The pattern that creates the mortal body is also the
fingerPrint for the immortal Soul.
Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing." This skeletal ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
self-immolation; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of Albedo; revealing
the Rubedo of holy Wine, the serpent-distilled
Quintessence of alchemy, leavening the risen Bread,
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
self-immolation; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of Albedo; revealing
the Rubedo of holy Wine, the serpent-distilled
Quintessence of alchemy, leavening the risen Bread,
the Light of Subjective consciousness in a New Skin.
"Be seekers of death. Death will teach you about being chosen."
(Jesus, the Secret Book of James, Nag Hammadi library.)
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