The Language of Heaven.
Fire as a Tool for Forging a Soul.
Forge an empty Grail hermetically sealed,
nature abhors a vacuum is our rule;
fill it with Wine of Spirit distilled,
Leaven for risen Bread baked in Mind.
Lift-up the serpent by stoking fire,
dragon through death to rebirth will fly;
blackens, burns, creates, destroys, reddens,
teaches the stolen language of Heaven.
Fiery intuition is a magical dialect,
refines the instincts into metallic Salt;
distils water into mercurial Wine;
with air forges our sulfurous Stone.
Lexicon of symbolic intelligence,
Helmet of Salvation full of Quintessence;
thinking got us to the external moon,
Agni is the envoy to my internal Sun.
Elemental ideas only last a lifetime,
memory and an ego identity formed;
Thoth is the god of eternal symbols,
the Tria Prima of three Mind Metals.
Salamander frolics on the Tree of Life,
Burning Bush strung with starry Lights;
from Prima Materia of Dark Matter,
Spiritus blooms the Flower of fire.
(part 2)
the 4 elements and the Tria Prima Metals of Salt, Mercury and Sulfur.
Logos, the Language of God.
Stuck in Dark Matter of Prima Materia,
I feel blackened into regressed prementia;
must stoke the secret fire for my Crucible,
distil-out the Wine that enLovens my Soul.
I'm in the wormhole of kundalini aflame,
my energy unchained longs to go Home;
four into Tria Prima by transubstantiation,
my tongue burns to conceive God's Notion.
There's a black-hole inside every lost soul,
antahkarana, lit by the Lamp of the Grail,
Observer, offering-up the Moon's Blood,
leavening the Flesh made of the Word.
Logos, the Language of God remembered,
immaculate Concept of the Uncreated;
ever Was, ever Is, forever Wills to Be,
Burning Bush of Seeing, seeing me Seen.
The Big Bang of the Grand Observer,
Red~shifts a universal Wave and Lover;
reSonates a timeless ongoing implosion,
collapsing Subjective Solarization.

Most Precious Gift of God (15th century).
The golden Homunculus emerges from baptismal Wine,
in the hermetically sealed Grail, Flower of Logoic Oneness.
My Burning Bush of I AMness.
My Egyptian Per-Neter or "House of God",
Greek: Pyra-mid, fire in the middle.
4 elements focally converged into the Point of Life.
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