Fire in the Fool,
and the Word in the World revealed.
"I have come to bring fire upon the earth." Jesus, Luke 12:49.
Psychologically regressed into this Canvas,
where my Id began in childlike ignorance;
back then I believed in outer forms,
my seed was sown into material Dreams.
My Fool, dyed in animal instincts,
tamed libido into ego consciousness;
elements are trumped by Metals forged,
objects into a Subjectified World.
The world is made of dead Solar Ash,
the Sun reclaims through each of us:
Salt of the earth de-materialized,
a quantum Grail and higher Mind.
For we are Stars with silver Screens,
no longer projecting outer scenes;
but instead, the Hermit looks within,
with fiery Lamp the Arcana to illumine.
And what he sees changes everything,
for the world is made by bundling!
Mind~Waves encoiled into seeming solid,
Sol and Seed into Dark Mater devoured.
Black Madonna somehow red~shifts,
to fill the Grail with ghostly Spiritus;
matter, back into Ectoplasm dispells,
Myst for Wine, Flour for Bread of Soul.
The universal Logos, within Fluidity,
collapses Bundles of quantum Solidity.
The Mind in a Field of potentiality,
conjures-up the Stone of PhiloSophy.
Ectoplasm: a supernatural substance that exudes from the body
and forms the material for the manifestation of Spirit. Oxford.
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