Splendour Solis (16th century).
"A man emerges from a swamp. One arm is white, the other red,
and his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes
in the alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a
glassy sphere." (Adam McLean, the alchemy website).
and his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes
in the alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a
glassy sphere." (Adam McLean, the alchemy website).
My Spirit Crushed!
I feel that my Spirit is crushed,
beneath the foot of a giant force!
My New Skin can barely observe,
hold up the Grail or keep my nerve.
I feel so libidinally frustrated,
an ego with my id castrated!
I need a coffee or instinctual sex,
to reverse this catabolic vortex.
But that would be but a reprieve,
and so I continue with my dive,
into this Underworld of purgatory,
to complete the process of my story.
I'm in the Crucible of higher Mind,
beneath the world of humankind,
I must raise my Cup full of Wine,
Spirit crushed from a living vine.
Regression is reverse-flowing libido,
water drains into the swamp below;
airy ideas are whited-out undone,
consciousness denuded to the bone.
Hell is hell, except to my Metals,
without fire I've no immortal Soul;
zoomorphic apotheosis id to Ideal,
Sun fleshed-out by a Bloody ordeal.
Miracles are symbolic reSonations:
- to raise the dead by resurrection;
- find the Grail, turn water Wine red;
- digest one Word of risen Bread.
"The angel
swung his sickle on the earth,
its grapes and threw them into
great wine-press of God's wrath." Rev 14:19
(part 2)
"The Lord did everything in a mystery, a Baptism and a Chrism and a
Eucharist and a Redemption and a Bridal Chamber." Gospel of Philip.
The mind's reflective ability to ask itself questions, implies
an echo Chamber; the same higher Mind or Bridal Chamber
where the Moon and Sun are joined in the alchemical wedding.
On the fiery cross of four elements,
the dragon forges my three Metals;
a Grail and its quicksilvery Wine,
Moon turns to Blood before the Sun.
Salamander climbs the Burning Bush,
Tree of Knowledge and Adam's cross;
upon which Christ was later crucified,
Green Man with sap of earthy desire.
Helmet, winged with Maat's feather,
my Heart weighed against holy fire;
consciousness crushed, Spirit distilled,
Holy Grail with Quintessence filled.
The universal Rose stirs the Dawn,
her Wave spreads out in all directions;
dispelling the spell of polarization,
words into one Word of Solarization.
Gilded Blossom atop the flaming cross,
flowers forth from Blood of Christ;
green apple dies into golden Fruit,
the new Adam, with Eve the Serpent.
Sophia, philoSophy of the Ophites,
the Love of Serpent wisdom bites;
poisons the ego with Mercury divine,
awakens the Soul with Spirit of Wine.
How to re-member dragon's Pearl,
instead of falling back into the world?
"Who asks the question and of Whom?"
My ego asks. You stay silently One!
"Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright.
Silent night, holy night! Son of God loves pure light."
Father Joseph Mohr.
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