Rosarium Philosophorum, 16th century.
Gaia Births Her Quantum Sun.
The Observer is the Preserver.
A Panic attack racks my poor brain,
to figure-out and apportion blame;
an instinctual reaction to survive,
wants to replant my Id before it dies!
Psychic storm amidst the branches,
metallic leaves give-up their essence;
green ideas in mortido's FurnAce,
the Still astir with flaming madness!
Green Man climbs Tree of opposites,
towards the Star atop the elements;
silvery Silvanus in Burning Bush,
Pan photosynthesizes the Logos.
Green Lion leaps from the Earth,
instincts by sublimation rebirthed!
Rainbow Serpent of immanence,
into metallic colours transcendent.
PenDragon remembers to forget,
Myth to Myst via Double~Slits;
reverse refraction back into One,
focally converging a quantum Stone.
A fiery tale of intuition's dream,
awakens a Green Man of animism;
by way of apotheosis transformed,
"all Metals by the beams of the Sun."
Mushin of the No-Mind forgets,
the Grail of Salt concentrates;
corrosive "god substance" to trust,
focusing the Eye into a Point!
Absorbing the Spirit of the Moon,
Myst condensing Blood of Wine;
eternal Flesh by photosynthesis,
in a Still of vegetative Awareness.
Death of fire becomes Salt of Mind,
bicameral Lion~Man now tamed.
Green Sun of Gaia rises crowned:
Infinity god, Preserver of Gold!
Out into the world and back again,
process of alchemical diStillation;
finally letting go of objectification,
projection into Ideal Subjectivism.
Energy recoils Albedo in the Grail,
to be concentrated into Metals;
I can no longer fire-up elements,
kundalini puffs-out of existence!
Heaven heaves her enLovenment,
in the Still there is Movement!
PenDragon's Wine, like a Wave,
rebirths the Sun from death saved.
My Subjective Mind Portrait on Canvas of pure Subjectivity.
Science is really another mythological religion. Like all myths it is a story
with a beginning (big bang), middle (process of evolution), and end (collapse back into the singularity). It has its high priests of materialism, e.g. Dawkins.
And it offers eternal life or salvation via the first law of thermodynamics:
"Energy cannot die, it can only change its form or mind."
Jesus answered and said unto Mary: "the outer darkness
is a great dragon whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia.
Eucharistic Sauce of Immaterial Essence.
Dispelling Matter from the Mind with Manna!
I've nothing left except Nothingness,
enWhitened in the untouched Canvas;
in One Monadic Light baptized,
the clear Quality of GOD's Mind.
Utterly dazed by blinding Oneness,
Dust, Myst and Floury Essence;
the Source and Sauce of Manna,
for Salt, Wine and Bread to conjure!
Final immersion in GOD the Baptist,
my Eye to EYE with OmniScience;
"to be is to be Perceived", indeed,
Subjective Consciousness profound.
Grand Observer of pure Subjectivity,
before the fall of material objectivity.
Womb and Tomb of Black Madonna,
Mater, Veil of Isis, Serpent Sophia.
Dark Energy forms as outer space,
moves from Stillness of the Canvas;
perSonal desire starts with an Apple,
"You'll not surely die but be like God."
-Ness is the Suffix at the end of All,
emotional stories hit the fiery wall.
Mater becomes matter, fallen Night,
all colours unfold Black to White!
Salt, Grail and Eye of No-Mind,
focuses, absorbs Blood from Moon;
Green Sun of vegetative Awareness,
photosynthesizes Flesh of Logos.
Meditation's Stillness is all I've left,
to concentrate New Wine of Spirit;
Observer collapses a Wavy~Tangle,
Floury Leaven into Bread of Soul.
Follow the Serpent Spirit coloration,
Science is another mythic religion.
Matter comes from the Seer's Field,
yet nothing matters in GOD's Mind!
Serpent Self~Portrait on Canvas.
Enter Aido Hwedo,
Rainbow Serpent in Albedo;
Cauda Pavonis Sun~Eyed,
Green Man finally Crowned!
Ogdoad in primal darkness,
Prima Materia Ouroboros;
falls into material refraction,
projection and objectification.
Hunger devours itself to Ash,
the Salt of Death's Wish;
metallic Mind extracts Wine,
the Moon rebirths her Sun!
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