Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
River of Fire into Ocean of Light.
Spirit's Wave ebbs into darkest depths,
baptism in "black blacker than black;"
my thoughts suffocate, emotions feel crushed,
archetypal Death, the "grapes of wrath."
My ego is cleansed at rock bottom,
only my Observer survives in this tomb;
the Mirror-Mind is my last-gasp option,
the metallic "Helmet of salvation."
My Holy Grail is not of this world,
standing betwixt two kingdoms held;
a silvery reflection in blackest black,
shines in the darkness when all is lost.
Hell~fire purges all my sins atoned,
Vulcan forges a New Skin memBrane;
distillation is a vertical Wave motion,
water into Wine by transubstantiation.
Red Sea parts, the Grail is uplifted,
my Mind is baptized and intoxicated;
Leaven for New Bread of Solarization,
the Spirit fulfills life's final function.
Quantum Quintessence rises red~shifted,
dragon of fire bakes a golden Loaf;
in the Crucible of my higher Mind,
the Wave collapses her Pearl ashine.
The Sun explodes at light-speed pace,
and yet remains still and at peace;
a quantum Point hermetically sealed,
holographic Sulfur, spread-out and fixed.
I Am here, everywhere and nowhere;
I Am forever found wherever you are;
I Am fallen, risen and in between;
I Am the "one Thing" above everything.
In the mirror Mind of holographic Silver, the Serpent Spirit emerges
from Dark Matter with her golden Pearl of Wisdom's Stone.
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