Friday, January 1, 2021

River of Fire into Ocean of Light.

Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
River of Fire into Ocean of Light.
Spirit's Wave ebbs into darkest depths,
baptism in "black blacker than black;"
my thoughts suffocate, emotions feel crushed,
archetypal Death, the "grapes of wrath."
My ego is cleansed at rock bottom,
only my Observer survives in this tomb;
the Mirror-Mind is my last-gasp option,
the metallic "Helmet of salvation."
My Holy Grail is not of this world,
standing betwixt two kingdoms held;
a silvery reflection in blackest black,
shines in the darkness when all is lost.
Hell~fire purges all my sins atoned,
Vulcan forges a New Skin memBrane;
distillation is a vertical Wave motion,
water into Wine by transubstantiation.
Red Sea parts, the Grail is uplifted,
my Mind is baptized and intoxicated;
Leaven for New Bread of Solarization,
the Spirit fulfills life's final function.
Quantum Quintessence rises red~shifted,
dragon of fire bakes a golden Loaf;
in the Crucible of my higher Mind,
the Wave collapses her Pearl ashine.
The Sun explodes at light-speed pace,
and yet remains still and at peace;
a quantum Point hermetically sealed,
holographic Sulfur, spread-out and fixed.
I Am here, everywhere and nowhere;
I Am forever found wherever you are;
I Am fallen, risen and in between;
I Am the "one Thing" above everything.  
My thoughtless Bubble of a higher memBrane.
In the mirror Mind of holographic Silver, the Serpent Spirit emerges
from Dark Matter with her golden Pearl of Wisdom's Stone

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