Saturday, January 2, 2021

Cartouche of the Soul.

My quantum Cartouche and Monogram of I AMness.
Salt of the Earth, Blood of the Moon, Bread of the Sun.

Cartouche of the Soul.
Metallic Salt of the Earth refined;
Blood of the crescent Moon's Wine;
Bread of Light bounded by Mushin,
to keep the Logos fixed in No-Mind.
I feel content in retirement,
my own home and opus complete;
human life flowers in autumn years,
through conscious death I AM appears!
Four elemental language modes,
triangulate the omniscient Word;
a Cartouche for each individual,
FingerPrint of an undivided Soul.
A death and resurrection sacrament,
blackens to white by calcination;
fiery Ashes of the Mirror-Mind,
conceiving the Grail of a New Skin.
Mushin of No-Mind by meditation,
abhorrent vacuum for diStillation;
eternal Signature by PenDragon signed,
collapsing Spirit into my Monogram.
Salty Blood leavens Flesh of Light,
Luna gives birth to the Sun inside;
holographic Portrait of Self reflection,
WavIcle of quantum Subjectification.

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