Eternal Structure of the Quantum Mind.
The Book of Heaven's Word divined?
Stolen fire unchained from matter,
objectification dispelled by my Observer;
the flaming sword pulled from earth,
pregnant fire is the language of Thoth.
Magical lexicon of higher inSpiration,
secret fire preserves the Book of Heaven;
intuition is the key to unlock its Code,
the mythological patterns etched in Gold.
Immaculate Concept of just one Word,
containing the eternal structure of Mind;
symbolic fire is the air of heavenly pneuma
that forges the Grail out of Quicksilver.
Water evaporating into air immolating,
as fire dances into Quintessence diStilled;
libido into Wine, ideas baking Bread,
born in the Crucible of PenDragon's Head.
Chapter on the Moon turns to Blood,
Spirit and Wavy Font of enLovenment;
my Observer collapses a Red Sky Dawn,
archetypal Light and Quark of the Sun.
The Book of Heaven records fingerPrints,
rebirth certificates for every Innocent.
Portraits of Subjective quantum I AMness;
Individuals in colours of intoxicating bliss.
"As above so below", Salty Blood leavens the Flesh.
The pattern that creates the mortal body is also the
fingerPrint for the immortal Soul, Bread digested.
Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing". This skeletal ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
self-immolation; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of Albedo; revealing
the Rubedo of holy Wine, the serpent-distilled
Quintessence of alchemy, leavening the risen Bread,
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
self-immolation; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of Albedo; revealing
the Rubedo of holy Wine, the serpent-distilled
Quintessence of alchemy, leavening the risen Bread,
the Light of subjective Consciousness in a New Skin.
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