Sixteenth Century alchemical painting.
Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine,
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Libation to Vivify the Homunculus.
Kundalini rises engulfing me aflame,
Phoenix fire forges who I AM;
from ashes of ego refined Salt,
Observer, Grail, salvation's Helmet.
Hermetically sealed from the world,
Grail with Wine must be filled;
fire vaporizes water of emotion,
distils-out a Libation by sublimation.
My Lord is baptized in Mercury,
Blood of the Moon sets him free;
Nectar for an unconscious Executive,
in a silvery Helmet Self-reflective.
The Manna of the Eucharist:
Salt, Wine and Bread of Christ,
inside my Grail three as one,
fixes Sulfur into the Stone.
My quantum Grail, observe the waving and
pointing decoration around the lip.
Who does the Grail eternally serve?
A Libation for my own god above.
The Leaven for my sleeping Bread,
risen as Flesh of the eternal Word.
CORPUS HERMETICUM IV. The Cup or Monad. Hermes to Tat:
Hermes. Reason (Logos) indeed, O Tat, among all men hath He distributed, but Mind not yet; not that He grudgeth any, for grudging cometh not from Him, but hath its place below, within the souls of men who have no Mind.
Tat. Why then did God, O father, not on all bestow a share of Mind?
Hermes. He willed, my son, to have it set up in the midst for souls, just as it were a prize.
Tat. And where hath He had it set up?
Hermes. He tilled a mighty Cup with it, and sent it down, joining a Herald [to it], to whom He gave command to make this proclamation to the hearts of men:
Baptize thyself with this Cup’s baptism, what heart can do so, thou that hast faith thou canst ascend to Him that hath sent down the Cup, thou that dost know for what thou didst come into being!
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