Friday, January 1, 2021

One "Word" Spoken.

My Burning Bush in the sky of mind.
 One "Word" Spoken.
Building Language Structures.
I'm in the fire of kundalini,
invoked by way of celibacy;
libido into death's mortido,
creation in destruction's blow.
A personal apocalypse dawns,
by way of self immolation;
egocide in hungry flames,
stolen fire burns for Heaven.
Into the Hall of Judgement,
my ego purged of elements;
Observer weighed with a feather,
buoyant Mind free from matter.
Grail uplifted to the sky,
upon the wind of dragon-fire;
fills with Wine by distillation,
leaven for the rising Stone.
Fire forges my New Skin,
silver Orb with flaming wings;
energized with the Moon's Blood;
fleshed-out with golden Bread.
Language structure is the key,
One "Word" fallen into disarray;
animal, human, divine communion;
the Kingdom devouring kingdoms.
Body language, earthen instincts;
human mind and emotion dialects;
the tongue of a fiery lexicon;
Burning Bush of One Word spoken.
Observer, in a WavIcle entranced,
through the Double-Slit atomized;
Narcissus in Self-Love transfixed,
his Point upon the Wave collapsed.

By Caravaggio - Public Domain.
Narcissus enamoured and transfixed by his own Image.
"The Father's Mind forth-bubbled, conceiving,
with His Will in all its Prime, Ideas that take upon
themselves all forms... Thoughts from the Paternal
Source that pluck unto their full the Flower of Fire at
height of sleepless Time."   
Chaldean Oracles, 300BC.

(part 2)

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The serpent head has an open mouth extending around the east end of a 120-foot-long hollow oval feature. Scholars posit that the oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun." (Wikipedia). 

The SerpentKundaliniSpeaks!

I feel dead to the world of lower humans,
lord Death has devoured me to my bones;
with his tongue of fire speaks his meaning,
"there is no death, I am resurrection".
Energy cannot die, only change configuration,
kundalini starts out as libidinal sublimation;
life's id of instincts or chthonic dragon,
secret fire dancing through physical actions.
The voice of the Word in communication,
has layers or degrees of interpretation;
is always speaking through languages,
the four elemental branches of knowledge.
I'm old enough to remember the sixties, 
when emotional intelligence entered the scene;
flowered so fast through women's liberation,
balancing the head of masculine notions.
And so now the beast "of a thousand years",
is a dragon guided by two human reins;  
thinker/feeler changing water to Wine,
immolating logicbaked into Logos divine.
Animism through humanism to Subjectivism,
a quantum Kingdom devouring kingdoms;
pneumatic fire of Heaven inside my skull,
voice, all in the Mind of my serpentine Soul.  

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