"Sublimation is part of the royal art where the true gold is made.
Sublimation is a great mystery." (Jung)
Sublimation is a great mystery." (Jung)
Mystery of the Sublimatrix.
The universe conspires to see me alone,
where Dark Matter consumes my mind;
my elements disintegrate unlearned,
inside Prima Materia to be reFormed.
Four into three Metals begin to shine,
the Tria Prima of the higher Mind;
Grail, mercurial Wine, golden Bread,
New Skin, holy Libation, drunken god.
In Darkness a process of apotheosis;
the bicameral mind becoming conscious;
id sublimes into an Ideal Executive,
climbs the ladder, crosses ego's bridge.
The libidinal secret fire gestates,
in the Womb of the Sublimatrix;
kundalini, rainbow serpent of psychosis,
unearths gold by Metal-morphosis.
Isis, Black Madonna, Virgin, Whore,
the Prima Materia takes many forms;
death and rebirth are her undulations,
Pandora, Medusa, and Can of Worms.
Into her Darkness we must regress,
extract the meaning from her chaos;
Whale in oceanic unconsciousness;
the Red Sea swells before it parts.
The Sublimatrix calls us to descend,
Underworld, Hades, Vulcan's forge,
to find a lost and golden Child,
the Homunculus hidden in the Mind.
Ripened "grapes of wrath" crushed,
Libation of an angry Mistress;
she fills my Grail with holy Blood,
the Leaven for ever-rising Bread.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
"When Sophia (wisdom) saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
(part 2)
Dancing with Death!
Dreams are the dance of intuition,
thus of a morn I feel I'm burning;
must allow this nocturnal cleansing,
face the fear of Death's blowing.
Frozen in the alchemical furnAce,
must stoke the fire of apotheosis;
allow the flow of wavy flames,
dancing with Lucifer now unchained.
Dreams are our personal mythology,
story and purpose that sets me free;
refining earth into metallic Salt,
digesting the Sulfur in my Crucible.
Death whispers its wish for me,
as we dance-up my Spirit's destiny;
water to Wine distilling Mercury,
secret meaning of dragon's Desire.
Salty Blood in Grail of Mind,
my leavened Bread begins to shine;
the Point of Death is in its Wave,
a quantum collapse into one true Day!

Happy to Burn.
My Self portrait: meditation and self immolation in
the baptismal and holy fire of kundalini rising;
apotheosis into Solarization of consciousness.
"I am the living Bread that came down from heaven.
Whoever eats this Bread will live forever." John 6:51
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