"The chaos is a massa confusa that gives birth to the Stone. The hylical water contains a hidden elemental fire. In the treatise 'De Sulphure' hell-fire is attributed to the element earth as its inner opposite. According to Hortulanus, the Stone arises from a massa confusa containing in itself all the elements. Hence the prima materia is often called Lapis." Jung, Psychology and Alchemy.
Light from Dark Matter.
My inner Alien with "Helmet of salvation,"
enters deep space by way of meditation;
hermetically sealed as the Observer,
penetrates Prima Materia of Dark Matter.
Primordial Matrix and the Womb of All,
the mysterious darkness inside every Soul;
she is the Ocean of unconscious Spirit,
and Red Sea where water to Wine sublimates.
She is death, rebirth and play of opposites,
the paradox found is all archetypes;
she is chaos, potential and resurrection,
her Dark Matter reddens before the Dawn.
She is Sunyata, seeming Emptiness of space,
the ring-pass-not I must somehow cross;
the vacuum seal and test of Metals,
to protect the divine from lower worlds.
The premature are consumed by madness,
for who can face the archetype of death?
Powerful and awful forces await us mortals:
Thanatos, Eros, Vulcan, Hades, Sol Invictus.
So learn well the lower four elements,
as preparation for higher encounters;
for a Star in our Dark Matter sleeps,
awaiting the Libation of reddened Spirit.
Magical symbols by our lord Thoth inspired,
the intuitive function hidden in stolen fire;
reveals the mythology of apotheosis,
the abduction process of transcendence.
The sealed Alien maintains a pregnant void,
Observer in a New Skin concentrated;
the primordial Mother abhors a vacuum,
miraculously turns water to heavenly Wine.
Manna of red Mercury fills the Grail,
intoxicates and awakens my archetypal Child;
an Executive hallucination of blinding Light,
my baptized Soul from Spirit ignites!
Drunken Observer parts the Red Sea tide,
"the Moon turns to Blood" in my Mind;
Luna distils Wine, Leaven for risen Bread,
Sulfur of the Sun universally expanded.
The volatility of consciousness reSonates,
from sensory deprivation an Homunculus;
Light from Dark Matter is rebirthed,
from Prima Materia, Tria Prima unearthed.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine of
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
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