Apophis, Serpent of chaotic potential in the unconscious Ocean of Nun, with Atum.
Egyptian Atum (Atom, Adam), the Self-generated Observer who collapses
the Wave function, Eve, into a Point of enLightenment, Ra/Christ. The Wave
of the Red Sea, in return, splits the Atum into the Spirit and Soul, creating
the trinity of Ka, Ba, and Akh, or Tria Prima in Alchemy.
Oph or Ophis: Greek "snake" (origin: Apep or Apophis, Egyptian serpent.)
The gnostic Ophites worshipped the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous Red Dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads." (Rev 12)
The Apotheosis of Apophis.
Return of the Red Dragon.
Ouroboros breaks the surface
of her primordial unconsciousness;
great Dark Mother red~shifts,
immanence unto transcendence.
Earth to water into airy ideation,
stolen fire of Heaven awakens;
my own Lord now hungers for me,
to make me his Eucharistical feast.
Fire burns itself into atomization,
ouroboros devours its own element;
objectification dispels into a Subject,
energy changes into Mind of Salt.
Observer generates a vacuum Grail,
alchemical Seer hermetically sealed;
meditation reveals the emptiness,
Sunyata of extinguishment!
Bose-Einstein Fluidity appears!
Newtonian Quintessence distils.
A Wave before my Eye uplifts,
water of the Red Sea parts!
Pregnant darkness of the Moon,
"turns to Blood before the Dawn."
John the Baptist in a silver Dish;
lord Jesus baptizes a fiery Spirit.
Red Dragon of the Pistis Sophia,
Ophite goddess of philoSophy;
"Love of serpent wisdom" by Adam,
fills the Grail with a Liquid Stone.
Fire rebirths a Child of Light,
Homunculus, infinitesimal Giant;
paradox of the small and great,
Atom, and Eve the wise Serpent.
Atum, the Self-generated one,
has archetypal fleshed-out bones;
Black Madonna into Salt and Spiritus,
Libation for awakening Sol Invictus.
Atomic~Wave, apocalyptic revelation!
Quantum Bread leavened by Wine.
Zoomorphic apotheosis of Apophis,
snake in the Garden a Pearl creates.
And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: "The outer darkness is a great dragon, whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia, chapter 126.
Kundalini burns a wormhole in the fabric of time,
by sublimating libidinal ideas into the serpent~Sun.
"The psychological danger that arises here is the disintegration of personality into its components, a real schizophrenia. Disintegration is the fate that overtakes Gabricus: he is dissolved into atoms in the body of Beya, this being equivalent to a form of mortificatio. In the hero myth this state is known as being swallowed up in the belly of the whale or dragon." Jung.
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