Monday, January 4, 2021

Black Madonna Red Shifts!

Leviathan, brooding in the primordial waters of unconsciousness.
(PART 1)

How to Catch a Monster?!
I caught a Serpent by the tail,
and pulled her from the sea.
But when I saw her size and motion,
I turned and tried to flee!
But Beast was hungry too,
and wouldn't let me go!
Caught me by her pull,
her violent undertow!
Now I'm consumed whole,
consummated as her feast!
Pregnant with new meaning,
I wait to be released.
Blackening to white,
God's Creature on me dines;
reddening to Gold,
she sublimates sublime.
Dragon births her Pearl,
born of the Red Sea tide;
reconciles the opposites;
unearths her unearthly Child!

(PART 2)

The Black Madonna Red Shifts!
Prima Materia of Black Madonna,
goddess of the fallen Sophia;
Mater in matter of objectification,
spirit of immanence in the sea.
Chaotic Nun, unconscious ocean,
libidinal desire pre-sublimation;
water must be changed into Wine,
Egyptian Apophis made divine.
How to catch the Monster inside?
Raise her giant Red Sea tide!
Catch the Wave of Love's motion,
Luna's oceanic Heave of Heaven.
Green apple reddens with passion:
Black Madonna, Eve, Red Dragon;
Prima Materia of Mater's Stone,
primal material behind all forms.
 Atomic Godzilla, horns into Crown,
quantum Quintessence into One;
Wave collapses into Atum of Light,
leavened Bread of eternal Christ.

And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: "The outer darkness is a great dragon, whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia, chapter 126.

Kundalini burns a wormhole in the fabric of time,
by sublimating libidinal ideas into the serpent~Sun.

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