My quantum "tongue of fire" and WavIcle of the spoken "Word".
Love and archetypal Light behind all languages decoded.
The holographic Observer (No Mind or Mushin) passes through
the double-slit gates and collapses the Wave function of
the Red Sea into a Point or Quark of Subjective Radiance,
horns into Crown transmogrified.
"No one can think of God.
Therefore it is my wish to leave
Therefore it is my wish to leave
everything that I can think of
and choose for my Love
the Thing that I cannot think."
(from, The Cloud of Unknowing, 14th century)
Sun-Eyed WavIcle of I AMness.
Double-slit entrance gate,
meditation on extinguishment;
"No Mind" negates the world,
the apple's Spirit stirs the Soul.
Salt of life's Observation,
crystallized into a New Skin,
distills dark Mother into Wine,
collapses the Wave into a Stone.
Mercury sweats from watery air,
fills the Cup with silvery tears;
horns of Hathor turn to red,
Spirit of the Moon's Blood.
Holy Grail hermetically sealed,
a Libation for my sleeping god;
four into a trinity up-Pointed,
Sulfur of the Word awakened.
Fire forged trimorphic apotheosis,
dispels the objective universe;
Sol like Soul of I AMness,
Sun-Eyed subjective consciousness.
"As above so below", Salty Blood leavens the Flesh.
The pattern that creates the mortal body is also the
fingerPrint for the immortal Soul.
(part 2)
The Ideal Subject.
I feel I've lost the power of magic,
the ability to dispel lower elements;
higher Vision, water to Wine, lead into Gold,
dis-identification from the human world.
Magic dragon dreams in earth's cave,
id of instincts and fallen Eve;
Mater in matter, the Black Madonna,
stuck in darkness with sleepy Adam.
Hu-man, of the soil, with water and air,
two ego elements begin to appear:
uplifting emotions and concrete thoughts,
betwixt id and Ideal build a bridge.
My id survives by objectification,
spies a meal or sexual gratification;
humans continue seeing objects of desire,
projecting their Subject asleep inside.
Universal Love falls into a dream,
together forever our Eve and Adam.
Science also objectifies, believing matter,
despite no evidence for inanimate atoms?
To the contrary they contain magic energy,
for giant bombs or boundless electricity;
and respond to our presence of observation,
waving/pointing in childlike gesticulation.
Id to libido into ideas then mortido,
four elements collapse an atomic Imago.
My Ideal Subject now dreams awake!..
dispelling the illusion of objective states.
We build a world on a false pre-miss,
that matter as our foundation exists;
but when I look deep inside my Mind,
a quantum Wave rebirths the Child.

The Cherubim Guarding the Gates to the Garden of Eden
and the Tree of eternal Life. Carl Bloch.
Adam and Eve expelled for objectifying each other.
Esse est percipi (“To be is to be perceived”). George Berkeley,
the philosophy of subjective idealism.
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