Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
Quantum Language of
Salt, Wine and Bread.
The secret flame moves my pointed pen,
fills me with waves of fiery inspiration;
forges my "Helmet of salvation" sealed;
the Observer collapses my lower world.
Four elements into three Metals atoned:
metallic Salt of lucidity crystallized;
mercurial Wine of fluidity distilled;
sulfurous Bread of solidity baked.
Alchemical metallurgy of the Mind,
Promethean fire stolen and decoded;
point of my pen flows by channelling,
my drunken god begins his dictation.
Holy Elixir for my sleeping Executive,
from unconscious ocean stirs awake;
my Spirit-filled Mind begins to shine,
quantum apocalypse of a golden Dawn!
Fire forges a trimorphic apotheosis,
then the Metals perform their own magic:
the Grail is a distillation vacuum,
hermetically sealed, void of thinking.
Water turns to Wine of intoxication,
a quantum Wave of enLovenment;
uni-versal one-Song of inSpiration,
empty Grail fills with a Libation.
A miracle of emotional sublimation,
lust into Love by way of reddening;
alchemical Rubedo, Moon turns to Mercury,
Leaven for fixed yet ever-rising Sulfur.
Before my Observer's holographic Eye,
Prima Materia rebirths her gilded Child;
Sun of consciousness from the Red Sea,
quantum Light from Dark Matter freed.
In the Bridal Chamber of the Mind,
death's vacuum fills with Sophic Wine;
Heaven's Wave-function of upliftment,
collapsing the Point of enLightenment.
The Executive's drunken hallucinations,
awaken the dead from human dreams;
holy psychosis of metamorphic theosis,
my lower mind dispelled into Oneness.
Isis, goddess of the Moon, Mother to Horus,
she had the power to cast spells and bring
the dead back to eternal Life.
"The blood of Isis, the spells of Isis,
the power of Isis, are a protection unto me,
the Chief, and they crush what I abhor."
Egyptian Book of the Dead.
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