The Biscione Serpent rebirths the divine Filius.
Horizontal spirit of immanence shifts into vertical transcendence.
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body [New Skin]." (Paracelsus).
A Conscious Death-Wish.
Preventing reincarnation back into lower elements.
Voided into my empty Mind,
hit by a Wave~like depression;
a death-blow atomization,
into Mother Nature's womb.
She abhors my air-tight Skin,
but I refuse reincarnation;
earth, water, wind made conscious,
no longer stir a dreamy wish.
Fire burns to enter the Kingdom;
and so I maintain the vacuum;
until she relents her immanence,
red shifts into transcendence.
Heaven heaves her Wave on high,
to the Blood~Moon on her tide;
my Mind fills with Alcohol,
Spirit collapses into my Soul.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine of
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
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