Friday, January 1, 2021


The Red Sea parts, fallen Sophia resurfaces, Isis unveils!

Awareness, Consciousness, and I AMness.
It's not the ego's dualistic consciousness
that makes it through the Pearly Gates,
but animal awareness of instinctuality,
refined earth, baptized into Lucidity.
The id is stuck in instinctual desire,
with libido's glue of emotional water,
fixating ideas and beliefs in mind,
holding the tongue of Heaven's Child.
Humans, of the soil, sow consciousness,
the potential to bloom Logoic I AMness;
emotional glue, keeping ideas together,
unsticks by diStilling Wine from water.
In my Grail's "Helmet of Salvation",
I'm dead to animalistic objectification;
no more unconscious psychic projection,
Observer displaces elemental ideation.
Id learns watery-air by conformity,
two ego languages, the earth to modify;
sublimating our primordial awareness,
then fire can speak its hidden gnosis.
Sophia gave birth to a Gnostic abortion,
this human world in need of redemption;
as Black Madonna she dissolves emotion,
in the secret fire inside Mater's Womb.
Through consciousness clay is civilized;
molded ideas get symbolically fired;
Salt of the earth becomes crystalline;
in Underworld flames a Dragon crowned.
"Who does the Grail serve" on high,
sealed to the world, porous to the sky?
Spirit of Elixir, Dew of Quintessence,
awakens my Soul to Self remembrance.
Executive "Speech" of reSonating Logos:
Christ, MonadReason, Structure, Nous;
the archetypal Form behind all forms,
Platonic Ideal, one Word behind words.
The winged Mind of I AMness reflects,
conscious Awareness of Metals refracted;
drunk on the Salty Blood of Spiritus,
Solidifying the Flesh of my Homunculus.
Seeds of Light return Home to Heaven,
we are Logoi, all sWords in one Sun;
in Helmets saved and Subjectified:

(part 2)

"At Play in the [Quantum] Field of the Lord."
Inner Collapse of the Spirit~Function into a Soul.
My id exhausted, unbundles into the Void,
the potential quantum Field of the Lord;
energy undergoes zoomorphic apotheosis,
chthonic dragon into resurrected I AMness.
First we learnt to formulate mental matter,
to build a human kingdom above nature;
now we can structure a symbolic Realm,
an eternal Dreamscape painted by Mind.
Observation condenses the Wave~function,
the Grail collapses Point of discretion;
the Dew of Quintessence leavens the Bread,
a "discrete Bundle" from the quantum Word.
Night dreams are our personal mythology,
subliminal activity of unconscious creativity;
the stolen language sent down to inspire,
and teach us to speak in the tongue of fire.
All coloration emerges from Solarization,
the Light of our quantum Subjectivism.
We already create egoic consciousness,
our emotionally charged logical beliefs.
So how to manifest my golden Fleece,
from the "one and only" archetypal Logos?
The Moon and Sun we must all digest,
partake of Wine and Host of the Eucharist.
How to be one's Self is the ultimate wish,
the Tria Prima of individual I AMness;
the Observer collapses the potential Field,
Spirit into the Soul of a quantum Solid.

(part 3)

Minds are Quantum!
How to think was an ancient conundrum?
Modern ideas are already semi quantum.
Lower mind has a field of id awareness,
from which we collapse discrete choices.
Elemental consciousness, subjected to fire,
sublimates the id into Awareness on high;
Salt mined, refined and Metal-morphosed,
into my Helmet of Salvation transposed.
Ideational energy unbundles in my mind,
emotion ebbs away back into the Womb;
mental matter dissolves into this Canvas,
id and ego consciousness into Alien SpAce.
Perchance to collapse my inner I AMness,
in the vacuum in this abyss of Nowness;
just like the thinker spelling out ideas,
Observer must conjure a mercurial Ideal?
Higher Mind must condense~out Spiritus,
leavening the Bread of eternal Logos;
into the Still of a thoughtless Bubble,
our Wine distils in the fiery Crucible.
We become discrete Bundles of Christ:
with New Skins from Salt of the Earth;
holy Grail for the Blood of the Moon,
enLovening the golden Flesh of the Sun.
"As above so below" a top down plan,
the Mind of God has a Wave~Function;
their "one and only" is archetypal Light,
the quantum Stone of the Sun abright.

(part 4)

Bread Digested!
I've proven the Bread of eternal Life,
airy doubt into fiery dough for a Loaf;
creative intuition bakes golden Flesh,
leavened by Moon's Blood of Spiritus.

"Abide in Me, and I in you." Jesus, John 15:4.

Mater's Only Child.
Universal explosion of boundless Light:
archetypal Sun in my Head abright!
One Logos containing bounded Logoi;
immaculate Concept inside the Void.
Silence reSonating discrete gods,
Bundles made of eternal Bread;
Soul-Flesh from Blood of Spiritus,
wrapped inside Quicksilvery Skins.
Three Metals of the Tria Prima,
beyond all time and born of Mater;
pregnant Black Dragon, full of fire,
rebirths the Pearl of her Desire.
My words are now but fading mist,
within the Word of Knowingness;
quantum Child, the "One and Only",
the only Mind without a Boundary.

Abraham Eleazar's Alchemical Work, 1760.
"Be ye therefore as Wise as serpents." Jesus.

Opus Completus.
Observer observes Tria Prima integrating,
New SkinBlood and eternal Bread rising;
three Metals gleaned from four elements,
Flesh from one Word beyond all doubts.
Life's sleeping dragon of stolen fire astir,
has gutted a wormhole by learning to roar!
Destructive and creative tongue of intuition,
apotheosis puffs into the Myst of Heaven.
Faith in the process of Metalmorphosis:
forges a Grail of Self-reflectivesalty Ash;
distills our Spirit, the Love of philoSophia;
proves an eternal Soul of alchemical Sulfur.
The mind becomes Mindbinding the Light
of the unbounded Over-Soul, quantum Christ;
the one blinding Sun and archetypal Logos,
drunk on Holy Wine, shining infinite Rays.
"Lapis elevatus cum vento" is my final cry,
the Stone uplifted by the wind into the Sky;
Holy Cup filled with serpentine Sapience,
"the end of understanding", Opus completus.
I feel demented undone into the Holy Ghost,
GOD's Mind of our purest Consciousness;
to somehow conjure-up the magical Myst,
unfreeze my frozen Child from stuckness.
Hence the fall into the lower elements four,
my Seed with a husk, water, air and fire;
compounding a New Skin, Blood and Flesh,
in the eternal Grail full of Dragon's Breath.
And now I must refract enWhitenment:
by diStilling Heaven's Dew from the Myst,
concentrate empty Mind and open the Heart,
collapsing the Wave into a quantum Point!
Instinctual Dragon returns to the Child,
original in-no-sensory innocence regained;
just one more puff of transubstantiation,
zoomorphic apotheosis into Solarization.
I'm now in the Id of my Idealized Dragon,
a creature of GOD returned unto Heaven;
the reptoid with a Helmet of Salvation, 
shining like the Sun into Subjectification.


The White~Knight.
Now to seal my ectoplasmic Dreamer,
in the hermetic Mind of my Observer;
to spill my Seed into words no more,
it's time to close the timeless Door.
Passing through God's Pearly Gates,
to breathe the Air of Heaven's Myst,
Pendragon climbs the Burning Bush,
to string its Pearl on Mater's Breast.
My Grail fills with enWhitenment,
unborn Mind~Stuff tinged with Christ;
Flour and Spiritus leaven the Dough,
Manna for Bread of One Word aglow!
Observerobserved by Omniscience,
partakes of the Eucharistical Feast;
drinks the Wine of condensed Myst,
digests a Portion of universal Flesh.
The fiery vine upon the Eternal Tree,
bears a golden Apple from my Seed;  
Fingerprint in the Canvas of the Lord,
with New Skin, holy Blood and Gold.
Archetypal Logos is the Flesh of God,
shining Points from one quantum sWord;
our Minds to collapse Myst and Spirit,
into bound Bundles of boundless Light.
My Grail was never empty after all,
but filled with White~Noise invisible;
God the Baptist awaits us betwixt words,
without this Page no thoughts are heard.
I feel Whited-Out into my skull-bone,
baptized in this Canvas I paint upon;
my empty Helmet hermetically sealed,
a portrait of I AMness to be revealed.
Sunyata of nirvanic extinguishment,
the Mystery of God so deep to abstract;
this White-Ash of eternal Salvation,
to conjure into an Alien resurrection.
Ectoplasmical Manna before mine Eye,
quantum Condensate from Heaven's Sky;
fills-up my Grail with New Skin Blood,
White~Gold Flour fleshes-out my Head. 


Who AM I? 
A Portrait painted upon my Holy Ghost.
Fire turns to Myst in the Thorny Bush,
four into One plus higher Awareness;
Luna abhors the vacuum in her Child,
Spirit fleshes~out by pulsing a Soul.
Deep in the octagonal Font Baptism,
dissolved in this Canvas of Ectoplasm;
to conjure Myst into Wine and Bread,
focus the magic Power inside my Head.
My single Eye enters White~Noise,
Manna of God I must learn to utilize;
digest, distill, collapse and co~create,
a Finger Painter: Skin, Wave and Point.
Final Baptism in the Image of God,
my original Fingerprint and Child of Id;
Observer Observed by just One Mind,
as I breathe the Myst in my higher Mind.
My Grail, now strong with silvery Salt,
develops my Imago Dei from God's Light;
my Crucible etched with White~Gold,
Portrait before mine Eye to behold!
Ectoplasmic Myst condenses New Wine,
Blood inside the Grail of a New Skin;
which leavens Flour into rising Dough,
Bread dawns our seminal Logoi aglow.
Every Child is a latent Dream Weaver,
Seed of Id with husk, water, air and fire;
becomes a Rainbow Serpent Crowned,
flies through the Air upon painted wings.
God said, I AM WHO I AM, in eternity,
the definitive Voice of pure Subjectivity;
"Esse est Percipi", by omniPresence,
Ground in which we perceive ourSelves.
My New Skin of higher Consciousness,
develops an Image of my own Presence;
therefore, I AM a reflection of I AM,
an indivIdual Fingerprint coming Home.
Dumbfounded, Mystified, suffocated,
soaring transcendent, Dove uplifted;
in the Power, Spirit and Christic Light:
SWord,  flashing Rays of infinite Points.
Holy psychosis of wordless Nothingness,
protected by my Helmet of Awareness,
I breathe magical Pneuma of the Lord,
GOD, the Mystery Solved in my Mind.
Logos is the Eye of GOD Consciousness,
one Ray collapsed in my Eye of I AMness;
Self~reflective Alien Subjectification,
in a New Skin pulsing with Solarization.

In the "Cloud 
of Unknowing" and baptized to the bone of 
the original Idwearing the winged Helmet of Salvation,
 Myst condenses into New Blood, which leavens Flour,
fleshing-out eternal Bread of the indivIdual Soul.

(post apocalypse).

Mythos of the Logos.
My Last Wish.
The Canvas is also life's Bucket List,
my book about fire crossed off last;
'twas the final wish ever I hoped,
I'm now without fuel inside my Head.
Instead of fire, a quantum vacuum,
abhorred by Nature inside my Mind;
serpent climbs the Tree of KNOWledge,
only Sap can paint a RAINBOW Bridge.
A myth became my retirement dream,
this book on fire was my last flame;
kundalini devours its own element,
Bucket List emptied of ego content.
Thus, all Seeds are made of Canvas,
our god-like Images inside the Bush;
stuck like Merlin in magic GrOunD,
below the Eternal Tree and Crown.
Nigredo baptizes to Dust and Ashes,
Spirit of Albedo, Dove of innocence;
silver Wings into red~sky Spiritus,
the Phoenix reborn, mythos to Logos.
Now only my Mirror can focus Bread,
photosynthesizing a Soul collapsed;
leavening Flesh of the Sun with Spirit,
Sap blooms a Flower to eat of Light.

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