Friday, January 1, 2021

The Mercurial Dragon.

My thoughtless Bubble of a higher memBrane.
In the mirror Mind of holographic Mercury, the Serpent Spirit emerges
from Dark Matter with her golden Pearl of Wisdom's Stone

The Mercurial DRAGON.
No more fuel for fire to burn,
spirit becomes Spirit of holy Wine;
water evaporated and air immolated,
earthen instincts into Soul sublimated.
Prima Materia of Black Madonna,
unveils as Isis of heavenly Manna;
PenDragon rebirths her Pearl of wisdom,
Salamander and the alchemical Stone.
Thoughtless Bubble hermetically sealed,
holographic Seeing in a mirrored Grail;
born of earth and raised by a dragon,
Moon's Blood into Flesh of the Sun.
One Word finally made Subjective,
reconciling my bicameral Executive;
infinitesimal Giant, small and great,
Point of my life and Wave collapsed!
Now All is said and done my Lord,
I have spoken your own true Word;
in the tongue of fiery articulation,
seed of serpent to PenDragon's Crown.

(part 2)

EleMetal Fire.
Fire mediates betwixt human and divine,
elemental, yet forges a metallic New Skin;
distils Spirit~Wine of Moon's Blood,
bakes quantum Bread of Soul collapsed.
Pneumatic language of Hermetic magic;
the secret fire of alchemical practice;
air of Heaven breathed by the gods,
in the Burning Bush and Tree of Lights.
Pyramid, House of God set in stone,
fire in the middle that forever burns;
Sophia's Ophite and philosophical wisdom,
focally converging a golden Pyramidion.
Symbols are more powerful than thoughts,
ideas in an ego structure do not last;
so I need a Boundary to live eternal,
by fiery meditation to bind my Soul.

My meditation Pyramid and Burning Bush yantra.

"No one can think of God. 
Therefore it is my wish to leave 

everything that I can think of  
and choose for my Love 
the Thing that I cannot think".

(from, The Cloud of Unknowing, 14th century)

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