The Utility of Kundalini Meditation.
Kundalini by celibacy awakened,
stolen fire blackens the mind;
burns to return from whence it came,
forges a higher Mind memBrane.
Observer of my Grail compounds,
from earth and water Salt refined;
crystalline lucidity, glassy Sphere,
by fire meditated betwixt my ears.
Secret fire destroys as it creates,
symbolic Tria Prima fabricates;
"Helmet of Salvation", a New Skin,
hermetically sealed and winged.
Dragon now performs distillation,
a ring of fire turns water to Wine;
ouroboros distils Spirit's libation,
Grail fills with Blood of Moon.
Kundalini is the envoy to the Sun;
bakes the Bread of who I AM;
Spirit leavens ever-expanding Light,
golden Flesh by fire wrought.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine of
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
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