Friday, January 1, 2021

The Story of the Logos.

 The Story of the Logos.
Eternal seed in the quantum  Page,
Gnostic scintilla, spark of ages;
magic bean for a vine to grow,
potency of the Father's Albedo.
Original innocence in No-thing-ness,
but One cannot see the One it is;
and so seeds fall into Mother's Womb,
SubliMatrix for a golden Bloom!
Seed of the Word somehow ignites,
in the Burning Bush of God's Light;
the inherent volatility of Consciousness,
White-Heat  and primordial Darkness.
Over-Soul, Star atop the Tree of Life,
the "one and only" Child archetype;
the Gold of God for us All to seek,
pattern of the Trinity to complete.
Pan pans for what he knows not,
unconscious images always project.
God's Shadow is a schizophrenic split, 
how do we reconcile Black and White?
Libidinal tension betwixt two poles,
is the serpent-fire we all well know;
in the Garden on the Tree it climbs,
the "knowledge of good and evil" times.
Sublimation of libido, fiery apotheosis,
unlocking the chains of Prometheus;
Lucifer bears the Light of Christ,
"why do you call me good" he asks?
Tension builds a Wave unconscious,
the Red Sea parts where we must cross;
her life and death are but the same,
the flow and ebb of just one Ocean.
Baptismal White-Wash in my Mind,
Salty Blood of drunken observation;
Mercury of the Moon's quintessence,
red~shifting and collapsing Logos.
Tension between Parents tears apart
the fabric of the Head and Heart.
From Sol and Luna in conjunction,
a Panpsychic Face, horns into Crown.

Celtic Shaman, Cernunnos (the horned one), "lord of wild things",
the Freudian id, or animal spirit at the base of consciousness.
(part 2) 

Natural-Born Shaman.
I am the Fireman of burning pneuma:
- entranced within the tongue of flame;
- visions of a Netherworld and Heaven;
- voices in mind, and dismemberment!
I tame the serpent~fire of kundalini,
ride the dragon into the Solar~Wind;
breathe fire, suffocating mental matter;
am not consumed as it grows Tria Prima.
I perform symbolic magic of miracles:
- turn leaden earth into eternal Gold;
- walk on water in my animal spirit;
- transcend the air in winged Soul flight.
The Observer's Eye looks back below,
from a higher Kingdom beyond Nigredo;
in the Sky of Rubedo's enLovenment,
where dawns the Sun of rememberment.
In the Burning Bush the serpent thrives,
the natural-born Shaman in disguise;
Metal-morphosing Skin, Blood and Flesh,
horns into Crown, immaculate Concept.

(part 3)

The Hameroff/Penrose microtubule in the brain, activated by the amino-acid
tryptophan, is the interface between the biological brain and quantum Mind.  

LogosBread Digested!
Microtubule interFace inside the brain,
betwixt biology and the quantum Mind;
activated by tryptophan in the blood,
Psychotria viridis, Gryffonia, Acacia wood.
Plant, animal, human and the divine,
kingdoms devour kingdoms in evolution;
once we climb to the symbolic Tree top,
how can we facilitate a quantum leap?
There is a flaming bridge or fiery cross,
we feel as a psychological collapse!
We all intuitively know the process,
the wormhole through creative Hades.
Alas, to build we must also destroy,
the Phoenix rises from the Underworld;
fire refines, distils and finally bakes,
returns to Heaven for Heaven's sake.
We learn four languages in the mind,
made conscious they can then compound;
so higher Metals can be structured,
eternal Salt, Wine, Bread manufactured.
A holographic shift in brain activity:
into silvery neutrality of pure Lucidity,
collapsing a Wave of mercurial Fluidity,
into the Stone of quantum Solidity.

(part 4)

Flammarion's Firmament, 1888.

From Poimandres (Understanding of Ra), in the Corpus Hermeticum, 
a dialogue between the Shepherd (Logos) and fallen man:
“I stood on a lofty mountain, and saw a gigantic Man and another, a dwarf; and I heard, as it were, a voice of thunder, and drew nigh for to hear; and He spake unto me and said: I am thou, and thou art I; and wheresoever thou mayest be, I am there. In all am I scattered, and whencesoever thou willest, thou gatherest Me; and gathering Me, thou gatherest Thyself.”

Logos, a Final Say.
The Voice of eternal Bread in my HeadA Hermetic dialogue 
between rational air and Promethean fire, awakening Light!
I feel demented in the Mind,
vacuum Chamber above the brain;
water drains into the Underworld,
Vulcan forges my metallic Grail.
Stuck in muddy instinctuality,
id awareness of an animal entity;
must make a quantum leap somehow,
transcend time for the eternal Now!
And so to death and resurrection,
by stoking intuition's tongue!
Hermetic diaLogos, id with Ideal,
by activating a hypnagogic ordeal,
The shaman enters by a trance,
through the double~slit entrance.
A microtubule wormhole channel,
the bicameral split to make whole!
hallucinatory Voice appears,
inside my Head from everywhere;
an echo reSonating in my Ashes:
"I smell the Blood of your sacrifice."
Fiery apocalypse of a golden Dawn,
before mine Eye the rising Sun!
Awareness hears a quantum Sound,
"I AM the Bread for you to bind."
A devastating blow to my ego,
watery air is but a temporary role.
It's the animal spirit of the id
who transmogrifies into a god!

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