"Crucifixion" (painted 1350 A.D.)
The Christic HoverLith.
A hypnagogical story unfolds my dream,
the myth of me in the human kingdom;
following the journey of my spirit's seed,
Promethean fire from earth unchained.
InSpiration and artistic co-creation,
abstract who I AM from materialism;
painting with fire my Self likeness,
on the Canvas of Deus absconditus.
Objective survival into quantum Being,
the eternal structure of Subjectivism;
a WavIcle of three Metals forged,
our four elemental languages learned.
A mythological narrative into one Word,
the Logos from White-Light focused;
God into Gold, born of the Goddess,
Heaven heaves her Wave collapsed!
Archetypal pattern, "as above, so below",
copied to formulate my individual Soul;
my one in the "only One" inside the One,
with Spirit and Bread in a Grail vacuum.
Holy Blood leavens Flesh of an Alien,
inside my Mind's "Helmet of Salvation";
flying transcendent, painting the Sky,
in my Christic HoverLith up on high.
(part 2)
Late 18th century crowned Ouroboros.
"Dragons Live Forever"
The Imago Dei and "Active Imagination."
Rational Thinking Vs Symbolic Painting.
Beneath the Page an immaculate Concept,
I'm no longer stuck in the Pearly Gates;
reborn as PenDragon with a silvery Skin,
trailing colours of a Rainbow Serpent.
Through the Entrance the Word revealed,
"Cloud of Unknowing" and a Wavy Field;
the higher Mind, Spirit and Soul dawn,
Salt, red Mercury and a sulfurous Sun.
A quantum Point is the Nib of Gold,
Pearl of the Dragon with silver scales;
an Alien creature freed from the world,
born of fire: forged, distilled, disgorged.
The Myst of God now becomes clearer,
pure clarity of Mind in my Observer;
in a mirror of holographic Self reflection,
I see the Seer who was always looking.
The A.N.K.H. focuses a metallic Point,
as fire loops into the Ru of Light;
"wick-Ra-wick" of HEH the immortal,
the Lamp of Heaven that burns eternal.
from the lotus Womb of Nut, the Mother-Wave of Heaven.
Symbolic magic is performed with fire:
- forging a New Skin for getting higher;
- distilling water into Spirit of Wine;
- baking daily Bread of the Soul ashine!
Thoughts are a powerful conjuration,
bubbles of air that can last a lifetime;
how much more so an eternal symbol:
transubstantiation into a vacuum Bubble.
The trick is to "become a child again",
white innocence of Mind for co-creation;
from the Canvas of seeming No-thing-ness,
Light-Bulb moment: Crowned Ouroboros!
The White-Light refracts when focused,
into colours decorating the Burning Bush;
Page with the Secret-Fire language learned,
the tongue of flame to Heaven returned.
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