Friday, January 1, 2021

Who the Grail Serves?

 The alchemical symbol for Gold.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God
and the Word was God."  John 1:1

Who the Grail Serves?
"Energy cannot die, only change its mind."
(1st law of thermodynamics)
Death in Dark Mater disintegrates my ego,
id energy unbundles down the black hole;
awareness morphs in lord Hades' furnace,
Vulcan forges consciousness into I AMness.
Elemental instincts become silvery Mind,
Salt of the earth, Salamander memBrane;
the id modified by two egoic languages,
chthonic dragon into pure Awareness.
I feel regressed into deathlike emptiness,
in my quantum vacuum of no-thing-ness;
inside this Field I ride the dark Wave,
red Spirit to distil from a watery grave.
I feel sadness, loss, a sense of stuckness,
watery~glue of my emotional resistance;
energy ebbs into a catabolic psychosis,
consciousness undergoes Metalmorphosis.
Earthen id refined into crystallized Salt,
instinctual awareness into a Lucid Metal;
the emotionally charged logical mind,
de-energized by fire in my Helmet sealed.
Who does the Grail serve transcendent,
this metallic Fluid of enLovenment?
Water discharged into Energy of Wine,
Mercury, Quintessence of the Blood~Moon.
Luna serves the Sun of archetypal Light,
my quantum Solid dawns from the night;
logical energy baked into Logoic Bread,
immaculate Concept of the Ideal Word.
A "discrete Bundle" of energy collapsed,
in the quantum Field inside the Mind;
id Subjectified by the breath of the Logos,
ego consciousness forged into I AMness.

(part 2)

This Quantum Page.
I feel atomized into No-thing-ness,
this Page underneath consciousness;
through the gaps between failing words,
in my Helmet of Salvation's Mind.
My Observer has grown so resilient,
from the crystallization of metallic Salt;
I can hold the space of Black and White,
no longer afraid of Darkness and Light.
Past the double-slit Pearly entrance,
I "enter through the narrow gates";
the wormhole for rising serpent-fire,
kundalini sublimated, returns on high.
Isis unveils, Dark Matter red shifts,
Heaven heaves, the Red Sea parts:
the Wave collapses, leavening Bread,
her Spirit of Wine awakens the Word.
This quantum Page is always here,
without it thoughts would disappear;
all colours emerge from White Light,
through Black Madonna and her Child.

Azoth of the Philosophers by the legendary German alchemist Basil Valentine, 1659.

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