Friday, January 1, 2021

The Quantum Subject.

Image result for the alchemical sun
The Golden Art by Andrea de Pascalis.
The sulfurous Sun erupts from earth into Gold,
Mind Emanating the Presence of the Stone.
"Who you are looking for is who is looking". Francis of Assisi.

The Quantum Subject.
Who We Really Are?
I feel exhausted into Father's abyss,
by way of self-immolatory apotheosis;
stuck in id's husk of my ego sacrificed,
my decrepit old skin demented shed!
I cannot see a way of crossing~over,
must be in the flames of secret fire;
I feel blackened and burned unto Death,
the archetypal force of God's wrath!
How can Mater's matter be dispelled,
objectification in darkness of this world;
we see each other as objects of desire,
to get needs met, projecting who we are?
Unconscious seeing in a mercurial Sea,
"looking for Who is looking" indeed;
the Helmet of Salvation is holographic,
my Observer's New Skin Self~reflects.
In this Mirror~Mind projection stops,
Executive Dreamer begins to wake-up.
Black Madonna grows seed of Father,
Blood of the Moon, Wine from water.
Quantum philosophy of Subjectivism,
the Red Sea parts her Wave function:
God is Mind Emanating omni-Presence,
flower of fire into Fruit of the Stone.

"As above so below", Salty Blood leavens the Flesh.
The pattern that creates the mortal body is also the
fingerPrint for the immortal SoulBread digested.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing". This skeletal ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
self-immolationfire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of Albedo; revealing
the Rubedo of holy Wine, the serpent-distilled
Quintessence of alchemy, leavening the risen Bread,
the Light of subjective Consciousness in a New Skin.

The Volatility of Consciousness and Ontology of Empty SpAce.
Deus absconditus where is your Son,
hidden beyond this spell of time;
the Presence present in every moment,
outside this world's day-night movement.
There's a universal Black Hole all around,
a quantum Void beneath our ground;
not even black but clear as the Day,
the Field where the Lord shines at play.
My fiery spirit is stuck in the id,
animal language cannot Self-reflect.
The seed of the Word ignites the ego,
evaporates water, immolates air aglow!
Id awareness becomes higher Awareness,
via the medium of ego consciousness.
The seed then Flowers through the gap,
a double-slit entrance and time warp.
The Pearly Gates are present Now,
betwixt ideas inside my thinking brow.
The it is freed into volatile spirit,
the Salt of the earth refined at last.
How can my Mind survive this baptism?
Alchemical Salamander is not consumed.
The dragon distils water into Wine,
 then red~shifts into a Serpent~Sun.
The Field reddens, the Sky blooms,
the Shepherd gathers in his lambs;
each, with a New Skin full of Blood,
is handed a portion of quantum Bread.

 Egyptian Aten, Serpent-Sun with Ankh and Hand Rays.

"There are fields that underlie everything. And what we think of 
as particles aren't really particles at all, they're waves of these fields 
tied up into discrete bundles of energy."  David Tong, Prof. of physics.

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