Friday, January 1, 2021

Dreaming Awake!

Image result for alchemy four elements
The Four Elements, 1622.
Isaac Newton: "Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating, tinging, and
incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements when bound to each other." 
(Index Chemicus)

My Salamander on the Cross of 4 elements aflame,
and the golden Bloom of the Leavened Rose.

"The death of earth is to become water
and the death of water is to become air
and the death of air is to become fire.
He who hears not me but the Logos
will say: all is one." Heraclitus, 500 BCE

(part 1)

Underworld Apotheosis 
Grows a Leavened Rose.
I feel like death, awaiting resurrection,
but I must first undergo Hades' purgation;
baptismal cleansing of elements into Metals,
fire forged New Skin, Wine, Bread of Gold.
Ouroboros with tail of earthen instincts,
consumes the id of my biological drives;
my animal spirit fallen into Pan's realm,
life's visceral and unconscious kingdom.
Water rises~up into humanity's elevation,
desiring an identity of individual freedom;
two more elements make a human bridge,
the emotional dialect and a mind language.
Earth and water then airy thought bubbles,
rationalizing chaos, taking conscious control;
structuring a lower ego of libido and ideas,
who begins to see above nature's wild urges.
Stolen tongue of fire now comes into play,
burns to return to the eternal Light of Day;
Agni is the envoy to Surya, god of the Sun,
fabricating three Metals of Tria Prima honed.
Fire devours itself down to white bones,
forges metallic Salt, Salamander's New Skin;
distils water to Wine, the Grail's Libation,
leavening the Flesh in Mind of Salvation.
Sub-atomic clarity of holographic Lucidity,
life's Cup fills with intoxicating Fluidity;
Mater red~shifts material objectivity,
 the All into One of Subjective Solidity.
Resurrection Body from darkness dispelled,
winged Helmet and wand of Hermes upheld;
Moses in the wilderness with serpent staff,
freedom from slavery as the Red Sea parts!
In the silvery Dish of the mirrored Moon,
John baptizes, water into bloody Wine;
Jesus baptizes with risen spirit of fire,
baking the eternal Bread of Day on high!

(part 2)

Pregnant fire remembers Light

Dreaming Awake!
Growing old in a bag of bones,
salty blood leavens my mortal flesh;
in Black Madonna of Dark Matter,
I must refine earth into my Observer.
Instincts blackened into metallic Ash,
which I can focus into emptiness;
crystallizing my Grail out of Salt,
energy morphs my animal element.
Secret fire now evaporates water,
emotional breakdown back into Mater;
she abhors the vacuum in my Mind,
Isis unveils, turning water to Wine!
Fluidity fills my Helmet and wings,
immanent Spirit unto transcendence;
fallen Lucifer unchained into Manna,
burning a Lamp through antahkarana.
Divine Darkness red shifts on high,
Moon offers a Libation to the sky;
stolen fire ignites air into Sulfur,
apocalyptic Dawn of my Dreamer.
Magic of words and four languages,
conjure-up an Ideal Identity forged;
Thoth is the Magus of one conception,
the immaculate Word of Solarization.
Fire consumes itself into Metals,
silvery Seeing in Mercurial Gold;
as below, so above in remembrance,
Salty Blood leavens immortal Flesh!

"The Splendour of the Sun" 1532:
the "living Bread that came down from heaven", digested.

 From medieval period. Alchemist with Hermes' Caduceus.
(Thoth's magic Wand, Mercury's Wings, Christ's Cross).

The Subjective Sun.
Void-like Womb of chaotic co-creation,
Black Madonna, dark, primordial Queen;
she stands beside the King in Heaven,
together to birth one Word of their Sun.
Three primary and archetypal COLORS,
above a secondary pantheon of gods;
the four forces of nature in our minds,
that we must integrate to become divine.
NorthSouthWest and Eastern points,
the primordial Ogdoad of the elements.
AmunNunKek and Heh, the A.N.K.H.
The CrossCaduceus and Tree with Snake.
Zoomorphic theosisMetalmorphosis,
four into an eternal TRI-alloy compounds: 
serpent's New Skin and Dragon's Wine,
Phoenix gives birth to the winged Stone.
Awareness, seeming empty-mindedness,
PenDragon's HeadHelmet made of Ash;
forged by fire into the tempered Grail,
Crucible for the conception of the Pearl.
He now writes from his metallical Mind,
from the third perSon of a seminal Sun;
Solarization of Consciousness dawned,
swallowed up inside the one true Word.
It feels like a holographic dream, so it is,
in the Mindscape of an endless Canvas;
quantum Subjectivism of colours abright,
collapsed from the Field of enLovenment.
Grounded in Awareness, once instinctive,
but now sublimated into an Executive;
earth to eternal Gold panned in the Dish,
the hypnagogical Dreamer Self-reflects.

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