The symbols for Ka (Image), Ba (Spirit), and Akh (Radiant Soul),
the trinity of the Egyptian higher Self.
The Resurrection Body.
Metal-morphosis into the Tria Prima.
Godhead is blinded to itSelf,
stumbles into chaotic earth;
fall, journey, climbing Tree,
elements crucified into three.
The triangulation of a metallic trinitization:
Ka, New Skin, the Ru of a pneumatic inflation;
Ba, filled with Holy Wine for leavening Bread;
Akh, transcendent Flesh transubstantiated.
I am my bicameral Executive,
the Voice behind all languages.
Mind's immaculate Conception,
stolen fire returns to Heaven.
Observer observes observation,
places attention on attention;
feels a Wave of enLovenment;
shines a pointed Countenance.
Who does my empty Grail serve?
The Libation for my god above.
Leaven for my sleeping Bread,
risen Flesh of the eternal Word.
How to Collapse a Quantum Quark?
The Observer generates the hermetically sealed and
abhorrent Vacuum, by way of meditation, fire forged
from the Ashes of self-immolation. The Spirit of Nature
abhors this emptiness of nirvanic extinguishment, turns
water into Blood~Moon Wine, the universal Wave of
enLovenment. Wine leavens the golden Bread of the
sulfurous Soul, awakening the sleeping Executive with
a libation of Spirit, collapsing the Quark of Light.
"I am the living Bread that came down from heaven.
Whoever eats this Bread will live forever." John 6:51
The Resurrection Body (II).
Four into three Metals,
by way of crucifixion;
fiery passion of apotheosis,
resurrection of Consciousness.
Stolen fire burns to return,
the root of fallen desire;
water into Wine distils,
inside the Ru vacuum sealed.
Winged "Helmet of Salvation",
transcends into enLovenment;
the Wave collapses her Point,
Spirit rebirths enLightenment.
Bread baked by serpent fire,
one Word returning on high;
immaculate Concept understood,
Manna from Heaven digested.
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