Friday, January 1, 2021

The Resurrection Body.

Khentiamentiu: ASOR blog: Tomb Security in Ancient Egypt
The symbols for Ka (Image), Ba (Spirit), and Akh (Radiant Soul), 
the trinity of the Egyptian higher Self.
The Resurrection Body.
Metal-morphosis into the Tria Prima.
Godhead is blinded to itSelf,
stumbles into chaotic earth;
falljourney, climbing Tree,
elements crucified into three.
The triangulation of a metallic trinitization:
Ka, New Skin, the Ru of a pneumatic inflation;
Ba filled with Holy Wine for leavening Bread;
Akh, transcendent Flesh transubstantiated.
I am my bicameral Executive,
the Voice behind all languages.
Mind's immaculate Conception,
stolen fire returns to Heaven.
Observer observes observation,
places attention on attention;
feels a Wave of enLovenment;
shines a pointed Countenance.
Who does my empty Grail serve?
The Libation for my god above.
Leaven for my sleeping Bread,
risen Flesh of the eternal Word. 
My Lamp of Heaven.
The crucifixion of the 4 elements into the 
resurrection Body of the 3 Metals or Tria Prima.
How to Collapse a Quantum Quark?
The Observer generates the hermetically sealed and
abhorrent Vacuum, by way of meditation, fire forged
from the Ashes of self-immolation. The Spirit of Nature
abhors this emptiness of nirvanic extinguishment, turns
water into Blood~Moon Wine, the universal Wave of
enLovenment. Wine leavens the golden Bread of the 
sulfurous Soul, awakening the sleeping Executive with 
libation of Spiritcollapsing the Quark of Light.

"I am the living Bread that came down from heaven.
 Whoever eats this Bread will live forever." John 6:51

The Resurrection Body (II).
Four into three Metals,
by way of crucifixion;
fiery passion of apotheosis,
resurrection of Consciousness.
Stolen fire burns to return,
the root of fallen desire;
water into Wine distils,
inside the Ru vacuum sealed.
Winged "Helmet of Salvation",
transcends into enLovenment;
the Wave collapses her Point,
Spirit rebirths enLightenment.
Bread baked by serpent fire,
one Word returning on high;
immaculate Concept understood,
Manna from Heaven digested.

Inside the Mind of Sunyata, the Observer collapses
the Blood~Moon Wave of enLovenment, into a
Quark of enLightenment, the Flower of Mind.

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